Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Anesthesia is the general name for all types of anesthesia and its literal meaning is insensitivity. It is a series of medical applications applied by anesthesia and reanimation specialists so that the patient does not feel pain during surgery. The type of anesthesia to be applied is finalized by anesthesia and reanimation specialists and is given to the patient at the prescribed rates with devices called anesthesia delivery system, temporarily closing consciousness. With the anesthesia techniques applied for approximately 150 years and constantly developing, eliminating consciousness, reflexes and sensation while vital activities continue during the operation is very important for both the patient and the physicians performing the operation. Thanks to this application that provides comfort to the patient during the surgery, reflexes are suppressed and muscle relaxation is provided, making surgical intervention easier. Ensuring the continuity of this condition throughout the surgery and waking the patient up by stopping the anesthesia drugs after the surgery is also the area of ​​expertise of the anesthesia physician.

Anesthesia types
The types of anesthesia applied to facilitate the intervention in necessary cases and to reduce or completely eliminate pain can be grouped under several headings. Depending on the type and length of the intervention to be applied by other physicians and surgeons, the anesthesia specialist; chooses between general, regional, local anesthesia and sedation applications. He/she applies the anesthesia procedures he/she deems necessary to the patient. Sedation, which is among the types of anesthesia and is a part of general anesthesia, is generally applied to relax the patient and create a light sleep state.

General anesthesia
The patient, who is greeted by the anesthesiologist in the operating room, is first connected to the necessary devices such as a heart monitor and a pulse oximeter that measures blood oxygen after being taken to the operating table by the anesthesiologist. The vital functions of the patient are constantly monitored throughout the operation with these devices. Then, special drugs that will cause muscle relaxation and sleepiness are administered through the opened vascular access. Then, inhalation anesthetics, in other words, different anesthetic gases are administered together with oxygen through the respiratory tract by the anesthesiologist. Thus, the patient's consciousness is controlled. After the continuity of breathing is ensured, the surgical intervention begins and these gases are continued to be administered as long as the operation continues. The anesthesiologist is constantly with the patient throughout the operation. The anesthesiologist; It constantly monitors all vital functions such as pulse, oxygen density in the tissues, blood pressure, body temperature and respiration and does not leave the operating room. Modern anesthesia devices and the anesthesiologist constantly monitor the depth of sleep, so that situations such as waking up or waking up during the surgery are not encountered. The duration of general anesthesia is completely variable depending on the type and duration of the surgery. When the surgery is completed, all inhalation anesthetics are turned off by the anesthesiologist and the tubes in the respiratory tract are removed. The patient is taken to the recovery room to wake up slowly and come to, and his/her general condition is checked. Painkillers are applied when necessary to reduce the existing pain. When the patient is fully conscious, the patient is switched to controlled analgesic application. Here, if the patient's pain increases while resting, a button in the hand is pressed to transfer an additional amount of painkiller to the serum going to the vein. Thanks to the pre-programmed device, overdose of painkillers is prevented and the patient's comfort is also increased.