Dermatology (Skin Medicine)

The skin is an organ that is open to diseases due to its constant contact with the external environment. The emergence of dermatological disorders can be facilitated due to frequent exposure to environmental factors, chemicals, allergens and similar stimulants in daily life. Diseases that may occur on the skin can cause aesthetic and cosmetic problems in some cases, and in some cases, difficulties in performing daily functions. Therefore, dermatological diseases should be treated immediately from the moment they are noticed. The diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases are handled by physicians who receive 4 years of specialization training after 6 years of medical education in the Dermatology departments, also known as Dermatology or Skin and Venereal Diseases.

Which Diseases Are Treated in Dermatology Clinics?
The Dermatology department provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of all skin diseases. Fungal diseases, psoriasis, acne, teenage acne, eczema, syphilis, venereal diseases such as gonorrhea, treatment of all sexually transmitted skin diseases, skin cancers (diagnosis and treatment of melanoma), birthmarks, hair loss, drug allergies, treatment of hives (urticaria) and investigation of their causes, sun allergy and treatment, treatment of oral diseases, treatment of Behçet's disease, aphtha, tongue fungus and other diseases, genetically transmitted skin diseases, warts, moles and molluscum, fungal diseases of the nails, thickening of the nails, ingrown nails and other nail diseases, diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as oily skin and dandruff are carried out in dermatology departments.

How Are Dermatological Diseases Treated?
After the diagnosis of dermatological diseases, drug treatment may be recommended to the patient. In addition to drug treatment, dermocosmetic applications play an important role in eliminating skin problems. Some of the diagnostic and treatment methods applied in the dermatology department can be listed as follows:

Hair loss can occur due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress, hormonal disorders and seasonal changes. While it may be normal to experience temporary hair loss periodically, it can be a symptom of serious diseases if this problem continues to worsen for very long periods of time. Therefore, a dermatology examination is absolutely necessary in order to investigate and prevent the cause of this problem in people with hair loss problems.

Excessive hair growth is a health problem that can be seen in both women and men and can be quite disturbing for patients in terms of aesthetics. Although the most common cause of hair growth is hormonal imbalances, sometimes this problem can occur only due to the effect of genetic factors. Treatment of excessive hair growth, also called hirsutism, is primarily aimed at determining the factors that cause hair growth and eliminating them. After these causes are eliminated with treatment, epilation techniques can be used if deemed appropriate by the physician to eliminate hair growth.

Laser epilation, which is the most frequently applied method to permanently remove unwanted hair worldwide, must be applied under the control of dermatologists, by determining factors such as the device, wavelength and session interval suitable for the skin type, and by paying attention to hygienic conditions. As a result of laser epilation performed with appropriate techniques, almost all of the unwanted hair can be permanently eliminated.

Excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a condition that negatively affects the patient's daily life and social activities. It usually manifests itself with excessive sweating in the armpit area, palms and soles. Emotional problems such as stress, excitement and excessive emotionality can play a role in the formation of the disease, and since it can also occur secondary to a serious disease, its cause must be investigated.

In order to increase the quality of life and for the patient to feel psychologically comfortable, the problem of excessive sweating must be treated. The primary goal in the treatment of the disease is to investigate whether there is any other underlying disease that causes sweating and to treat it if there is. Later, depending on the doctor's recommendation, if the excessive sweating problem still continues, treatment options such as drug therapy, electric current treatment, botox, and surgical operation can be applied.

All non-surgical procedures applied for the protection of skin health and beautification of the skin fall within the scope of cosmetic dermatology and all of these procedures must be performed by dermatology specialists.


Since the cosmetic sector has a high profit potential, there are many products that are not suitable for dermatological use and are harmful to health on the market. Skin problems that may develop as a result of unconscious use of these products are problems that require sensitivity and treatment by dermatologists.

Even if there is no skin disease, the skin should be kept constantly clean and necessary care should be done in order to protect skin health. For this purpose, the cosmeceutical products to be used should be decided as a result of a dermatological examination to be performed by the physician, considering the type of skin and its health status.

Stains and color differences on the skin surface cause an aesthetically unpleasant appearance. With the process called chemical peeling, one or more chemical agents are applied to the skin surface and a kind of skin peeling process is performed to the desired depth. This procedure, which should be applied with the recommendation and control of a dermatologist, is an option for the treatment of these lesions seen on the skin.

A type of peeling, Jessner peeling is performed by applying a special solution called Jessner to the skin. Just like chemical peeling, it is a treatment method for problems such as eliminating spots, equalizing skin color and lightening the skin.

It is a peeling method applied by using trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solutions and peeling the skin in a controlled manner at the desired depth. It is effective in removing dead skin, renewing the skin, and eliminating roughness and spots.

The process of peeling the skin with the help of glycolic acid, a non-toxic alpha hydroxy acid member, is called glycolic acid peeling. It provides the skin to become smoother and have a clearer appearance.

APPLIED for the purpose of preventing wrinkle formation, eliminating existing wrinkles and treating spots, AFA peeling can also be used alone or as a supplement to different treatment methods in acne treatment.

The Amelan peeling technique, which acts by peeling the skin like all types of peeling, is applied to eliminate pigmentation problems on the skin. It is also a preferred technique for lightening the skin tone.

Skin spots, which are formed by the accumulation of melanin, which gives color to the skin, in some areas due to sun rays, pregnancy and similar reasons, cause an undesirable appearance on the skin surface. Spot problems such as sun spots, freckles, acne spots, birthmarks, burn marks and stretch marks can be easily eliminated with the help of the right techniques recommended by a specialist physician in dermatology clinics.

Wrinkles that occur due to constantly recurring facial expressions or age can be eliminated with the help of many methods that can be applied in dermatology clinics. For this purpose, the specialist physician should decide which of the many medical techniques developed to be applied, considering factors such as the area where the wrinkle occurs, the degree of the wrinkle, the patient's age, and skin type.

This is a method applied to eliminate wrinkles in areas such as crow's feet, forehead, eyebrows, and neck by injecting toxins obtained from a bacterium called Chlostridium Botulinum into the skin and to obtain a tighter and younger appearance in these areas. It is a technique that takes approximately 10-15 minutes and can be applied to almost everyone except pregnant and breastfeeding women.

One of the popular wrinkle removal techniques used today, filler injection, is usually performed by injecting hyaluronic acid or similar acid-based injections under the skin. Although it varies depending on the area where the application is made, it should be repeated every 6 months since it loses its effect within 6 months.

If you have any of the dermatological diseases mentioned above or if you want to choose any of the treatment options mentioned to eliminate your skin problems, you should immediately consult a health institution. After a detailed skin examination by specialist doctors in the dermatology department, you can create your treatment plan in line with your doctor's recommendations.