General Surgery

General surgery is a technical discipline that includes general principles (such as wound healing, metabolic and endocrine response to injury) as well as the treatment of systemic and local problems in the body with surgical methods and has influenced many branches of surgery and basic medicine in terms of its development.

Surgery is one of the oldest branches of medicine and is based on the principle of surgically repairing diseases, injuries, and structural disorders in the body that cannot be cured with medication or other treatment methods, or by cutting and removing the diseased organ or tissue and transforming it into its natural and appropriate form.

Types of surgery are mostly named after the organ or the system to which it is attached. Goiter (thyroid gland), breast, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, hernias, liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical interventions are included in the field of General Surgery. When divided according to systems; Goiter surgeries, breast surgeries, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus surgeries, liver and hernia surgeries are within the scope of General Surgery. In some cases, General Surgery aims to avoid surgery not only with surgery but also with preventive medicine.

The General Surgery Department works in cooperation and coordination with many disciplines due to the breadth of its field of interest. The majority of General Surgery patients are various types of cancer cases.

Another area of ​​interest of General Surgery is traumatology. The General Surgery Department undertakes the coordination of medical branches, especially in severe multiple organ injuries.

In the General Surgery Departments of our hospitals, screening and detailed follow-up programs are also carried out for the early diagnosis of colon cancer and breast cancer with the awareness of social responsibility in the development of public health.