Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical therapy and rehabilitation is a branch of specialization that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and preventive treatment of congenital or acquired muscular, nervous and skeletal system problems, as well as neurological diseases, orthopedic problems, hernia, paralysis, trauma, pain, calcification, functional disorders that develop after surgeries and movement limitations that occur due to other diseases. Many different treatment methods are applied to patients by physical therapy specialists for the treatment of functional and movement losses that can develop differently in each person.

The aim of the treatment is to eliminate the disorder that occurs as a result of different diseases and injuries and the situation that causes the patient's quality of life to decrease, to increase the independent movement potential and to eliminate existing pain and complaints. In addition, modern rehabilitation techniques are applied by specialist physical therapy and rehabilitation physicians to eliminate movement limitations that occur in patients after injuries and injuries that occur during sports activities.

What is Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation?
Physical therapy and rehabilitation; It is a medical science that works with a multidisciplinary approach, that is, with other branches of medicine, to improve and eliminate the disability that affects the person's life and quality of life, and works for the patient to return to their social life effectively. The most appropriate treatment option is applied to the patient who is hospitalized or outpatient in the physical therapy and rehabilitation department, considering their specific condition. Many methods and technological tools such as thermotherapy, heat applications, cryotherapy, that is, cold applications, water treatment, electric current treatment, phototherapy, mechanotherapy and drug treatment are used to determine and eliminate the functional capacity that develops due to permanent and movement-limiting damages. In addition to musculoskeletal system diseases, orthopedic rehabilitation applied after orthopedic interventions, movement disorders developing after stroke, facial paralysis, neurological rehabilitation after nerve damages, and pediatric rehabilitation is applied for disorders developing during birth. Rehabilitation after hand surgery for nerve cuts, fractures and similar problems and rehabilitation of movement disorders developing due to burns are also performed by physical therapy specialists.

What Does Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Deal With?
The physical therapy and rehabilitation department deals with eliminating existing pain and inflammation in patients, ensuring blood circulation, reducing the need for medication, and eliminating problems that develop due to posture disorders. The physicians of the department create programs specific to the patient and the disease, organize and apply treatment. Patients with osteoporosis, carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, neck and lumbar disc herniation, trigger finger, SMA, as well as patients whose lymph nodes have been removed, known as lymphedema, and patients who receive radiotherapy or have undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer receive support from physical therapy and rehabilitation. The aim is to eliminate the condition or conditions that cause movement restrictions and to return the person to their normal life with many methods such as intra-articular and soft tissue injections, PRP applications, neurotherapy, mesotherapy and dry needle pain treatment.